Vu a l’Apple center a Londres (il est enorme !).
Blog Voyages & Photographies de Matthieu Aubry, français en Nouvelle Zélande.
Blog de Matthieu Aubry, actuellement en Inde à l'IIT Chennai pour 1 an. Geek power!
Vu a l’Apple center a Londres (il est enorme !).
Interdiction de fumer. Meme pour les blondes.
Vu dans un coin de cafe, Cargo, Londres
Noemie, contente, le montre, le partage, le propage !!!
Apparemment je suis de retour de Londres… En tout cas les couchers de soleil ne sont plus les memes ici! Photo du coucher de soleil…
Bon aujourd’hui je craque je n’ai pas resiste: He’s the best tetris ds player in the world. It’s slow in the beginning. insanely fast near…
Voici quelques autres photo, suite du premier post J’ai bien aime l’ambiance meme si, etant ce jour la a peine remis d’un dur week end…
Voici quelques photos prises au carnaval a Londres. Mais qu’est ce que le Carnaval de Notting Hill ? Le Carnaval de Notting Hill est un…
By lisa! Today our guest is Lisa, a lovely german girl! Welcome Lisa :-) She gave me the permission to publish the final year report…
Finally I will relate my own impressions about the most different and beautiful country I have visited so far. This first sentence already implies an…
Finding somewhere to stay was not a problem in India. The rule is that the students of the IIT live on the campus in hostels.…
Welfare in India depends on the income like everywhere. The students of the IIT are mostly rich people and studying there for going abroad after…
India is cheap! The Rupee is the currency in India and the rate of exchange specifies that one Euro correlates 60 Rupees. Costs of studying…
When we arrived at the airport of Chennai on Saturday morning at 6 am we were picked up by an assistance teacher of the Humanities…